I am a mother of one and currently living in Seattle with my husband. I relocated to settle here from London England, where I have been living and working since 1990. It has been hard keeping in touch with the few friends that I trusted most, particularly with the 8 hours time difference between Seattle and London and have had that experience of living in absence. Missing them and that cozy, absolutely confidential, non-judgemental conversations I used to have with them. Oh! how I do miss that.
I am someone who pride herself with that stone-set relationships that I held with these few dear friends over the years...some since the high school. These friends who are all women..who know me well, who can predict me, who know my character and personality...what I am/not capable of ,and like wise whom I know them well, created such a gaping void with their absence.
There are little things as well as big issues that I face in my new life here every day that most often than not conjure up the feeling of sharing thoughts about them with these dear friends.
Cultural constraints often lead me to bottle up things here. My friends in London were not of my culture...but they know me well and more than my family and those who claim to share the same culture background. I am bursting at the seems.....whenever I manage to call them ..there seem to be no enough time to unload on the phone.Time limitation is always the obstacle.
So who do you trust most with your inner thoughts?. Is it someone that you see everyday, week, occasionally or keep long distance contacts?. How much cultural constraints play part in your life?